God’s Blessings: Understand Your Spiritual Rewards | educationfusionblog
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    God’s Blessings: Understand Your Spiritual Rewards

    November marks the season of choice.

    During this month, many employees review and update their company’s sponsored benefits. Some companies offer truly amazing benefits. Yet, it’s ultimately up to the individual to maximize the advantages they are given.

    Sadly, many miss out on these benefits annually.

    Did you know that less than 10% of workers tap into tuition assistance when offered (WSJ)?

    Americans bypass $24 billion in potential 401(k) matches each year.

    A staggering 658 million vacation days were not used in 2015!

    It’s clear that many of us fail to make the most of our entitlements. Unused vacation days accumulate and potential monetary gains are neglected.

    Similarly, in our spiritual journey, many overlook their heavenly rewards. It’s time to address this oversight.

    Psalm 103 enumerates these blessings.

    Bless the Lord, my soul; with all that’s within me, praise His sacred name! Remember all His gifts: He forgives sins, heals diseases, saves from despair, showers love and compassion, fills life with goodness, and renews strength like the eagle (Psalm 103:1-5).

    A Mother’s Wise Words
    The Psalm reminds us that these blessings originate from God. Intriguingly, while they belong to God, He bestows them upon us.

    Growing up, my mother often told my brothers and me, “Always wear clean underwear when stepping out.” Maybe your mother said something similar. But why this peculiar advice?

    She’d explain, “In case you land in the ER, don’t be caught in shabby undies!” This was her way of ensuring we represented her well, just as we, as believers, mirror the Divine.

    Contentment is vital. Yet, our financial challenges often aren’t due to divine intent but our own missteps. When our struggles are self-induced, change is imperative. That change starts with us.

    Daily Divine Blessings
    “Praise the Lord, who bestows blessings upon us every single day, the God of our salvation!” (Psalm 68:19)

    Per David’s words, God blesses us consistently.

    Every day.

    While many companies are reducing perks, God continually showers us with His. The term “loading” paints a picture of a truck delivering bounties. We can either decline or accept these divine gifts with appreciation and use them to enrich others.

    We must value these divine gifts, recognizing their true source.

    There’s an abundance of these rewards. Today, I’ll discuss the tangible ones:

    1. Abraham’s Favor
    Christ liberated us from the law’s curse so that Abraham’s blessings might be ours. These aren’t just spiritual; material prosperity is evident in Genesis 12. As God promised Abram prosperity, his descendants, Isaac and Jacob, also prospered.

    2. The Ability to Create Wealth
    Deuteronomy 8:18 reveals that God endows us with the capacity to amass wealth. This power serves to fulfill His covenant, supporting His divine mission.

    3. Divine Guidance for Prosperity
    Power without knowledge can be disastrous. Isaiah highlights that God not only empowers but also instructs us in ways to prosper.

    4. God’s Own Blessing
    Solomon in Proverbs 10:22 states that God’s blessings enrich us without adding burdens.

    5. Wisdom
    Wisdom, as described in Proverbs 8, brings wealth and honor. It’s essential to surround oneself with wise company or seek wisdom through books and discussions.

    6. The Power of Prayer
    Prayers have a significant impact. So why not entrust our financial concerns to God? Various scriptures indicate the importance and power of praying for provisions.

    7. The Law of Giving and Receiving
    Genesis 8:22 speaks of the eternal cycle of sowing and reaping. Our giving may lead to unexpected blessings in the future.

    Claim Your Heavenly Rewards
    Reflect on Psalm 103. Are you overlooking any divine rewards? Are you truly recognizing and representing all that God has granted you? If ignored, these blessings might fade away.

    Lastly, always step out reflecting your best self. Don’t neglect the details, even if it’s just ensuring you’re wearing pristine underwear.


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